Tuesday, August 2


Karpal 'Sin'
Today that the DAP’s Karpal Singh is the actual winner in last weekend’s PAS elections because he claimed the party had abandoned its Islamic principles. The Former Prime Minister (Tun Dr. Mahathir) accused PAS of forsaking its struggle to implement Islamic and hudud laws just to appease its Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition partner DAP.

Tun Dr. Mahathir said: “The person who won big did not attend the muktamar and is not even a PAS member. That person is Karpal Singh... his fight against PAS’s plans to build an Islamic state which would have enforced hudud law has been achieved,”

“PAS no longer has to cross over Karpal’s dead body, nor does Karpal have to die... He is not even dead and PAS has made its struggle for an Islamic state a matter of secondary importance, now that PAS will be fighting for a welfare state instead,” said Tun Dr Mahathir, in reference to Karpal’s famous line “OVER MY DEAD BODY”. The DAP Chairman has been firmly opposed towards PAS’s Islamic state concept, and has maintained that it went against the Federal Constitution and that Malaysia is a Secular State, with Islam as the official religion.

"Congratulations and well done Karpal, at last you have succeeded in your fight against PAS’s Islamic State,”


Anak Muar said...


aku tak tahu apa yang PAS n PKR takut sgt pd si karpal ini? nampak sgt DAP benar2 kuasai PR. kau minta org2 PAS sedar dan buat pembaharuan utk Islam. bukan saja buat pembaharuan utk BERSIH tapi Islam.

Rosni 77 said...

takpe...skg karpal dah pakai kerusi roda. nanti tak lama lagi di jalan terus..masa tu kita langkah mayat dia..hehehe

Hang Tuah said...

crazy old man....

Taha said...

Tak tau la apa nak jadi dengan org Melayu ni, dlm DAP ikut ckp Karpal, dlm BERSIH ikut ckp Ambiga...tak sedarkah kita, Islam menjanjikan pentadbiran yg adil dan saksama...Kalau org Melayu jd pemimpin nasib Melayu terbela, bukan tu saja nasib kaum lain pun terbela...

Anonymous said...

Last sekali Cina terbela dan Melayu terdera...kesian..